Leaf Relief.ca
133 York St.   Kingston Ont.   K7K 1R1

Planter Workshop 2024
10 to 5

Saturday August 3rd 2024  $210 includes tax & ma


How to Register

This workshop will involve a  morning session casting cement on interiors walls of planters.

The remainder of the day will be spent creating the leaf fringe on planters and side wall designs

You will take home projects on a set board at end of day.
Cement needs 4 days  to set hard but can travel on a board at end of day wrapped in plastic.
Make sure you have a level spot 2 ft. by 2 ft.

These  planters can be set on your  deck or in garden. Turn them on their side to avoid ice problems in winter

My hosta & ferns do particularly well over winter in them

2 feet wide at fringe - 15" high

My aim in teaching this project is to show you what a remarkable medium this is, stimulating your imagination.  

I place emphasis on good technique though  - with cleaning and washing of tools throughout

You will mix your own cement but we have a good mixer to ease the work.

I will follow up with a very thorough instruction sheet  and suppliers list

I look forward to showing you the magic.
Lunch will be pizza & lots to drink

Wear old clothes and rubber shoes or boots. Crocs are a good choice.

All participants share in every aspect of the work. 

However, you are never required to lift a bag of cement

 I will show you how to avoid hurting your back  when you are working at your own projects at home.

It's always  nice to have a casting buddy  after the class so you may want to share this with a friend

