Leaf Relief.ca
133 York St.   Kingston Ont.

WorkshopsStudio Facilities
FountainsGarden DecorMore for the Garden

Garden Table Workshop Saturday Aug.24th 2023

10 to 5pm

$180 includes tax and all materials

This is a workshop designing your own  garden/coffee table.
We will make a 2 foot round table top with a choice of  leaves as the season evolves .
Your table will be taken home on a set board to cure for 4 days.  I'll demonstatre how to prep and colour stain it w/acrylic paints

It is a lot of fun  designing the leaf layout and the tables are a sweet addition to the garden in summer or indoors for the winter
Sturdy steel bases are supplied.

How to Register

#613 5451203

Contact me with questions or to register

We'll have pizza for lunch with plenty to drink

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