Leaf Relief.ca
133 York St.   Kingston Ont.   K7K 1R1

Email deb@debstagg.com
Tel. 613 545 1203

WorkshopsStudio Facilities
FountainsGarden Decor
Birdbaths & Garden Tables
More for the Garden
Solar Lights
Garden Mirrrors

Leaf Relief.ca

133 York St  Kingston, Ontario  Tel# 613 545 1203


More Ideas for Your Garden

This is a taste of other ideas that you'll enjoy...

These cupped hands have been so much fun. We had more than a handful of snow that day!

Solar Lights

Leaf Relief's solar lights are much more than a night light. This is sculpture for your doorway.
These delicately painted cement castings of  cabbage leaves add a medieval charm.

At night they'll light your way.

The Garden Mirror

These mirrors are  hung outside on a garden wall and  in all weather. No need to bring them indoors in winter.

And More to Come....
